First, the Bump in the Road!
On Thursday, we got a letter in the mail from USCIS (US Citizenship and Immigration Services). I was excited, but nervous to open it. Was this our approval letter/form? Nope! It was a letter requesting more information before we could be approved. USCIS requested an updated homestudy because 1 required sentence was missing from our home study (a very important sentence that is standard to all home studies, but somehow was missed in ours.) I called our home study agency on Friday, and by today (Monday) the problem was fixed! Our homestudy agency was super cooperative in correcting it with out charging us and Andrew was able to pick up the updated homestudy today! Tomorrow, it will go out in the mail to USCIS. We should get a letter of approval in the mail from USCIS shortly!
Second, Lots of Progress!
Our placing agency, Children of All Nations, has finished getting all our documents apostiled (authenticated at state and/or federal levels). As soon as we get our approval from USCIS, our dossier will be sent to Bulgaria to be translated!
Right now, all we can do is wait while our paperwork is completed, then translated in Bulgarian for approval by the Bulgarian government. While we wait, we are busy! Andrew successfully completed another semester and is officially halfway done with his masters course! This week he will be starting a summer class. Andrew will also be working a lot more hours as a trim carpenter in the summer and be working on finishing our basement in the evenings. I have 1 week left of teaching preschool before we are out for the summer. Next week, I will be taking a short 3 day missions trip to Haiti for a to help train teachers at a Sunday school training seminar. For the summer, I will be babysitting a lot more hours!
Congrats on all those milestones! It sounds like you have an excellent agency that is really easy to work with.