Thursday, November 29, 2012

Myth & Realities: Fostercare Adoption

Nearly 81.5 million Americans have considered adopting a child. If just one in 500 of these adults adopted, every waiting child in foster care would have a permanent family.


But foster care adoption is often misunderstood, preventing children from finding forever families. Discover some of the most common misconceptions, and read about the reality behind each.


Foster care adoption may cost less than private infant or international adoption, but it’s still expensive.


Foster care adoption normally costs little or nothing. The average expenses totaled $2,253 in 2011. Click here for more information on how much it costs to adopt.


A biological parent can come to take an adopted child back.


This is a fear for two-thirds of the people considering adoption. However, biological parents have no way to gain back custody of the child or children once their parental rights are terminated.


Children enter foster care because they committed a crime.


This belief is held by 45 percent of Americans, but actually, children enter U.S. foster care through no fault of their own. Usually, they are victims of neglect, abandonment, or abuse.


A single parent can’t provide a healthy environment for an adopted child.


A single parent can provide a loving, stable home. For more information, read this blog post about single parent adoption.


No person over 55 can provide a healthy and loving environment for an adopted child.


This belief is held, erroneously, by 63% of Americans. In truth, almost one in four adopted children lives happily with an adoptive parent 55 years or older. For more information read this blog post.

Interested in Fostercare Adoption? Read these blog post for more information.


 This article was republished (with my cuts and additions) from the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption. All statistics are from the National Foster Care Adoption Attitudes Survey, commissioned by the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption and conducted by Harris Interactive, November 2007. Read the study here.

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